OCIA Team Member
The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults is a formation process for: (1) unbaptized adults seeking Baptism and full initiation into the Catholic Church, (2) adults baptized in another Christian faith tradition seeking full communion with the Catholic Church, and (3) baptized Catholics who never received the sacrament(s) of Confirmation and/or First Holy Communion. Training and appointment by the Pastor are required. For more information please call the parish office to set up an appointment with our parish priest: 815-288-3131.
Religious Education Catechist
A Religious Education Catechist will share the faith by teaching the Saint Anne Parish family K-8 children. The time commitment is 2 hours a week. Teaching materials are provided. If you would like to volunteer in the Religious Education department please call the parish office: (815) 288-3131, ext. 105.